The message behind the Brand is simple. the act of doing so, not so much.
To sit and allow your mind to take over is far easier than going against what it thinks is the easy path.
our brains are wired to find the easy path through everything. Heck most excuses come from just that. its easier to make up an excuse than it is to be honest and far easier than putting in the hard work and time to achieve.
a vast majority of people take the victims mind because its far kinder to have people feel for you.
I've been there, you have probably been there, and if you are that person that says 'nope not me' well you look deep and you're going to find some excuses at some point in your life.... its human nature.
The message is this; you can spend your days wasting the precious time you have, being eaten by your own thoughts. Or you can rise up from that dark place put on your armour and go to battle with yourself and RAISE HELL.
The battle may be in the gym,it might be on the road or on the trails. it doesn't matter. What matters is you got up and conqured your day, your demons, your mind.
The clothing is never to make money, the caps will always be a limited run to keep quality high and small batch. The cap became my race day armour, that piece in my race day outfit that when it went on i knew what was needed of me it was either going to be a beautiful struggle or "Hell would be my backup plan". it then became my go to training attire. when this was on i knew the daily procrastination had been won i knew that my day could only get better from here.
As we ready to drop these caps for you to wear i only hope the message is heard by all.
Whatever scares you, Whatever leaves you procrastinating, stand up and raise hell.